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Five Tips for Successful Hiring in the Virtual World

by | March 15, 2023

Interviewing is an art. A delicate art. One that has become ever more challenging as businesses have evolved to remote and hybrid work. As we’ve all adapted to this probably-here-to-stay work model, interviewing has had to adapt, too.

In person, chemistry and good vibes can quickly be picked up by looking someone in the eye and shaking an actual hand; much more complicated when seeing someone waving through a camera. So how do you make good hiring decisions in this virtual environment? You’re still evaluating the same attributes as before: education, qualifications, experience. But how do you grasp the intangibles through a screen and remotely pick up clues about character, personality, and fit?

As COO of Base Beauty Creative Agency™, a digital marketing and creative agency based in New York, it’s my job to assess all of this. When screening and interviewing candidates, Jodi Katz, Base Beauty Founder and CEO, and I always have our radar tuned, looking for those who—beyond sharing all the right things about their commitment and passion for their work—radiate pride in who they are. But picking up those signals remotely is definitely more challenging. Here are some tips I rely on as an interviewer. (Stay tuned for our interview tips for candidates!)

  1. Focus! Don’t have other distractions open on your screen. If you were in person, you wouldn’t be reading the newspaper or checking your email while a candidate shared their elevator pitch. Be sure your full attention is devoted to the candidate.
  2. Set the tone. Bring the energy you want to attract. I start by letting the candidate know I am grateful for their time in the way I hope they are grateful for mine. Instead of diving right into formal questions, we chat about what’s happening in pop culture, the industry, or their geographic location, creating a welcoming, conversational atmosphere and dissipating any nervous energy.
  3. Take good notes! In back-to-back interviews, it’s easy to jumble information. What did candidate #3 say their hourly rate was? Was it your 2:00 candidate who is on Pacific time? Clear notes also make it easy to share with others on your team. Pro tip: With the candidate’s permission, take a screenshot to pair a face with your notes later.
  4. Do a “values” check. At Base Beauty, an empathetic, inclusive company culture is key. I ask candidates how they demonstrate respect, openness, collaboration, and pride in their work. Sometimes I ask for a specific instance where the candidate had to put themselves in someone else’s shoes to solve a problem. Company-specific questions show how someone thinks on their feet and values your values.
  5. Pick up the clues you are being shown. While we typically can’t see much below the neck during virtual interviews, candidates still send crucial clues. Are they calling in from under the covers in their bed? (Yes, this happened!) Did you see that they had joined your meeting room early, demonstrating respect for the call? Are they professionally dressed or in gym clothes? Are they looking right into the camera or looking down? Are they actively listening and asking insightful questions? Candidates who “show up” will stand out.

And always trust your instincts. Even in a virtual setting, let your gut be your guide!