Thought Leadership

We aren't just experts in beauty and wellness, we are also passionate customers. See how our devotion to this industry inspires our needle-moving work.

WWD and Base Beauty: A Pretty Partnership

by | December 6, 2023

Back in May, Base Beauty Creative Agency was delighted to be a partner of the 2023 WWD Beauty CEO Summit. This annual gathering of industry leaders celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, and once again, Base Beauty was on the scene. We have participated in this amazing event through the years, and it is always enlightening and insightful, offering timely analysis of the future of beauty.

As we planned for this year’s event, I thought back to the first year of our involvement in 2015. Back then, as a younger and smaller agency, we got super creative with our budget. We chose to sponsor the restrooms with edgy displays and clever giveaways that generated lots of buzz, seen several times each day by a truly captive audience. We could not be ignored!

My how we’ve grown. I was so proud of this year’s video reel that looped throughout the event, amplifying our storytelling, showing our extensive capabilities, and sharing hard numbers on how our data-driven creativity creates market share and stockholder value for our clients. (Note: the video will live on the WWD site indefinitely!) I guess the event attendees were paying attention since our sponsorship generated:

  • Clicks from our run-of-site ads generated a 350% response, versus the publisher’s benchmark
  • Open rate from our branded email blast exceeded the open-rate benchmark
  • 5687 impressions and 49 conversions/downloads of our Holistic Case Study presentation on how we view creativity through a digital-first lens, each download reaching a potential client!

A shout-out to WWD Beauty Director @Amanda Boyle for her remarkable support and deep understanding of our agency and mission, and, of course, to Base Beauty’s COO, @Aleni Mackarey, Ph.D., MS, who is always by my side as a trusted partner and cherished colleague.

If anyone ever tells you that these industry events don’t matter, don’t listen. If you know how to cut through the clutter and tell your business’s story clearly, creatively, and authentically, you can be a standout in any room.

Message our CEO with your thoughts: How has participation in industry events worked for your business? Please share!

FEATURED TOPICS: Beauty Expertise